Hi Sonja,
I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the class yesterday - everybody at dinner was commenting on how beautiful the session was, they were truly thrilled.
Thanks so much,

The BAST Team Summer 2018

Sound Bath at Breast Cancer Haven
Wessex Titchfield Hampshire

Transformation Day with the Heart Warriors
Set Up to deliver a Sound Therapy Demonstration & working with 5 inspirational women
Loving Sound

A Sound Bath at Shelley Edwards retreat
at Riverside Leisure March 2018
A fantastic evening of Sonic Sound working for health & wellbeing deep relaxation

I will be back on Radio Solent later in the year

A private sound bath at my clients home
Arrange your sessions
for a special occasion.

Pictures from the Croft Bursledon

By Violet my beautiful apprentice
Nanny Sonj with her earth gong
Thank You, Violet
at a young and tender age, she has the natural gift of playing Himalayan singing bowls
& rainsticks
She has her own Instrumnets
much love
Nanny Sonj xx
The Sheilings Summer Festival

The Natural Health Hub in Lymington Hampshire

The Yurt Sound Bath at Riverside LifeStyle & Wellbeing Cafe & our beautiful Purpose-built studio by the river

Delivering Sound 2018
At Breast Cancer Haven
My Passion
​Time Sound Girl